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Terry's Tips

Extend Your Website To Social Media

June 7, 2021  |  By Mega Group

People are spending an average of 145 minutes per day on Social Media and sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube are constantly trying different tactics to increase this even more.
According to Statistics Canada, 41% of adults aged 35 to 64 spend more time on Social Media compared to the previous year, while seniors aged 65 and older see the smallest increase of 18%. The largest increase is with Canadians aged 15 to 34 at 57%.

46% of Canadians have also increased their use of free streaming video services such as YouTube.
If you have an e-commerce enabled website, then you should take full advantage of the opportunities that these sites can bring – and the best part is that its free.

Traffic Enagagement Sales

Facebook and Instagram Shops can easily be created in your Facebook Business Manager. Simply follow the instructions found in the Admin section of your Facebook page. Facebook Shops, not to be confused with Facebook Marketplace, allows users to shop your products without having to leave the social platform. Think of it as an online shop built into your Facebook page.

Facebook shop

Pinterest can provide several benefits to your website. You can Pin products from your website that will help generate traffic directly from Pinterest and Google indexes these pages, so you can get additional traffic from Search Engines as well. You can also add your feed to Pinterest and create a shop, like Facebook and Instagram. This is a great way to feature your in-stock products and help customers find the products they are looking for.


YouTube continues to grow as more and more people turn to YouTube for DIY projects, how to’s, product reviews and so much more. Don’t miss out on the great things that YouTube has to offer. Create short videos highlighting your new products or brands, give in-depth product reviews, blog posts, events, and anything else you can think of. Use detailed titles and add as much text to your descriptions as you can. Use “local” keywords and always mention your location and provide a link to your website. Remember, Google owns YouTube, so your videos have the potential of ranking at the top of Google’s search results.

Youtube channel

Be consistent and be patient, results will come.

If you need any help along the way, or have any comments or suggestions for future posts, please reach out to me by email at, I would love to hear from you.