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Mega Power Newsletter: December 2021

The first in-person regional meetings to be held in more than two years closed in early November. The expo floor at Laval's Palace Convention Center was filled with such new opportunities, including a first-ever physical presentation of BrandSource Outlet.

December 10, 2021  |  By Mega Group

Newsroom Story

Bring in the Deal Hunter
Retailers sign up for BrandSource Outlet, a new store-within-store concept showcased at Quebec regional member meetings.


BrandSource Outlet
The first in-person regional meetings to be held in more than two years closed in November in Laval, Quebec. The three-day event gave participants a chance to reconnect, discuss the impact of the pandemic on their business and, maybe more importantly, how they will consolidate the market share gains experienced over the 18 months. The expo floor at the Palace Convention Center was filled with such new opportunities, including a first-ever physical presentation of BrandSource Outlet.

This month in the MEGA Power Newsletter

Kitchen Trends for 2022

Kitchen appliances are continuously updated with new products from leading manufacturers of large and small appliances. Designers define the main direction in 2022 in one word – convenience.

Smart appliances for a smart kitchen
The list starts with smart appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and others which now seem that they change every year, becoming smarter.

Terry’s Tips – 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Posting Video on Facebook, err, I Mean Meta, Right Now!

One of the biggest growth opportunities for any retailer is to post video to their social media accounts. Over the last couple of years video has seen a dramatic increase in consumption and is proven to help gain more attention and increase conversions. This is because video can both inform and entertain the viewers. Although this article only focuses on Meta, you may also want to consider posting to Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube as well.

Summit 2022

We can’t wait to see all of you at Summit 2022 for Mega’s AGM & BrandSource meetings!
At the all-new Caesars Forum Convention Center in Las Vegas on March 6-9, 2022.

It’s been two years since we’ve all been together, and we are very excited to welcome you and share some of our usual camaraderie, networking, and of course, education.

Season’s Greetings from Our CEO, Kim Yost

Dear valued members and suppliers,

This year of 2021 has been another positive year full of historic results for all of us. I wanted to take a moment to send our great appreciation for your continued belief and support of Mega Group. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and hope that we can all enjoy fellowship with our loved ones this season.

Read the full message in this month’s issue.