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The results are in: 2022 RCC Holiday Shopping Survey

Canadians are getting back to in-person get-togethers and more in-store shopping as they seek to recapture that ‘festive holiday spirit’.

November 4, 2022  |  By Mega Group

The Retail Council of Canada (RCC) released its fifth annual Holiday Shopping Survey of over 2,500 Canadians. 

The report states that Canadian Consumers are eager to return to their holiday traditions but when, how and who they intend to buy for is changing.  And spending more time in physical stores is only one of them. Some key findings include the following insights, along with some tips we’ve added to help retailers capitalize.

  1. Black Friday and Cyber Monday continue to be the busiest shopping days, both in-store and online.
    1. Retailers should: Reserve ad budgets and added excitement on those two days specifically.
  2. Six in ten consumers feel that holiday shopping lost some of its excitement. They will be searching in-store in hopes of reigniting the holiday shopping festiveness they valued prior to the pandemic..
    1. Retailers should: Appeal to this sentiment in your advertising and your in-store experience, boast about the joyful shopping atmosphere of in your store.
  3. Consumers are considering a wider range of retailers to shop from this year
    1. Retailers should: make sure your store is in their evoked set by advertising and staying top of mind throughout the holiday season. 

Retail Holiday Shopping Forum

RCC will be hosting an online Retail Holiday Shopping Forum on November 8, 2022 1-3pm ET where Leger will discuss the key findings of this survey and how retailers can apply the findings to adjust their 2022 holiday plans for a strong end to the year. Google Canada and Showcase will also share their latest learnings and recommendations.  This event is FREE to RCC Members and open to non-members. As an enhanced advantage of belonging to Mega Group, you have access to all benefits that the RCC offers retailers, including full access to their website resources. Register your personal account by going to, SIGN IN on the main menu bar and then New Account Registration. Reference Mega Group Inc.  

About Retail Council of Canada

Retail is Canada’s largest private-sector employer with over 2 million Canadians working in our industry. The sector annually generates over $78 billion in total compensation. Core retail sales (excluding vehicles and gasoline) were over $433B in 2021. Retail Council of Canada (RCC) members represent more than two-thirds of core retail sales in the country. RCC is a not-for-profit industry-funded association that represents small, medium, and large retail businesses in every community across the country. As the Voice of Retail™ in Canada, we proudly represent more than 45,000 storefronts in all retail formats, including department, grocery, specialty, discount, independent retailers, and online merchants.